We can make this a better country with UKIP. I run a science fiction bookshop in Glasgow (which partly explains my enthusiasm for human progress). Married to Hazel. Living in Woodlands. My father was Eastwood candidate for the Liberals. I spoke at LibDem conference in support of nuclear power, against illegal wars, for economic freedom and was the only person to speak directly against introducing the smoking ban. I was expelled, charged with economic liberalism. In 2007 I stood as the 9% Growth Party for economic freedom and cheap (nuclear) electricity. I am still proud of that manifesto - if vfollowed we would not have rising electricity bills and would be 80% better off with 7 years of 9% growth.
- UKIP is the only party opposed to Scotland having the most expensive "Climate Change Act" in the world; only party that wants us out of the EU - only part of the world economy still in recession - the rest is growing at an average of nearly 6% a year; only party opposed to effectively unlimited immigration; committed to growing our economy by the only way it can be done Economic Freedom + Cheap Energy; we offer referenda as a basic citizen right, as Switzerland and California do. --- Neil Craig

Thursday, 27 February 2014

SNP Take My Advice On Plan B - Still Not As Good As Keeping Union

    Interesting article on ThinkScotland about the SNP's decision that keeping the UK £ circulating in Scotland post independence is now the official Plan B.

    I am glad to see they are taking my advice. On the other hand Paul Krugman, a well known leftist economist and thus the sort governments like is quoted.

"Indeed, he warns, a ‘currency tag-along’ Scotland “would be in even worse shape than the Euro countries, because the Bank of England would be under no obligation to act as lender of last resort to Scottish banks — that is, it would arguably take even less responsibility for local financial stability than the pre-Draghi ECB. And it would fall very far short of the post-Draghi ECB, which has in effect taken on the role of lender of last resort to Euro zone governments, too.“

What would happen, he goes on to ask, if something goes wrong, if there’s a slump in Scotland’s economy?  “As part of the United Kingdom, Scotland would receive large de facto aid, just like a U.S. state (or Wales); if it were on its own, it would be on its own, like Portugal."

“Now, Scotland would presumably have high labour mobility — assuming it manages somehow to join the EU … it would be under the Single European Act, and it sort of shares a common language with England.'

“But that’s not necessarily a good thing: what we’re seeing in places like Portugal is large-scale emigration of young workers, leaving a diminished population to bear the fiscal burden of caring for the elderly."

    So even following my proposed Plan B is not, in the opinion of the SNP's favourite economist, as good as maintaining the union.

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