Yesterday BBC radio did its second effusive piece in a row about the Yes campaign with nothing balancing. The BBC Charter legally requires them to be "balanced" in their news coverage but ... hey its just the law, not like anybody is going to enforce it.
I sent this email which has not been answered. Freedom of Information Act requests, legally again, have to be answered within 20 working days and nearly always are, 4 weeks later plus any days of holidays in between, irrespective of whether it is a simple or complex question.
The normal BBC answer is "we got an exception to the Freedom Act put in to cover journalistic sources and we decide that almost everything in the BBC impinges on journalistic sources so piss off" (OK a free translation) and we will see.
I sent this email which has not been answered. Freedom of Information Act requests, legally again, have to be answered within 20 working days and nearly always are, 4 weeks later plus any days of holidays in between, irrespective of whether it is a simple or complex question.
The normal BBC answer is "we got an exception to the Freedom Act put in to cover journalistic sources and we decide that almost everything in the BBC impinges on journalistic sources so piss off" (OK a free translation) and we will see.
That is 2 days running the BBC Radio Newsdrive has been reporting, enthusiastically ("this isn't a sales pitch") from the Yes campaign.
Obviously if the BBC is in any slightest way intent on keeping its legal duty of "balance" you will be reporting equally enthusiastically, for days on end without interruption from the sceptical side. Indeed, bearing in mind that UKIP is polling at 1/4 of the SNP vote, you will certainly have an enthusiastic report about UKIP before having another 2 with the SNP.
Assuming the BBC claims to be in some slightest way concerned about not breaking its legal duties. Under the FoI Act I request to know what specific attempts you have made to ensure an equal number of supportive broadcasts for the Unionist campaign and 1/4 as many equally supportive ones about UKIP.
Neil Craig
Note that I was sufficiently generous to the BBC to compare support for UKIP in Scotland as 1/4 of the SNP's. Across the UK we run at 20%, only slightly behind Tories and Labour and coverage of reserved UK issues on the BBC (Both in Scotland and UK wide) is clearly censored to not run proportionately to our UK polling support.
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