Letter sent today. Any odds on whether it is censored, let alone whether any of the lying beeboids feel able to answer the question raised.
UKIP gaining 1 seat out of 6 from Scotland in the EU election is actually surprisingly low.
A recent poll showed that 70% of Scots people agree with UKIP's policy on immigration - limit it to 50,000 a year. On other policies we have a lead that is less but not that much less.
No way could any new party have got 70% - there are many people who vote for parties because "our family have always voted ....." and perhaps some distrust of policy promises is justified. Nonetheless something other than honest political debate on policy has clearly been at play.
This can only be the disgusting smear campaign run by the state owned ("balanced" it says so in their Charter) BBC and some followers in the media, claiming UKIP is "racist". This claim is a deliberate, totalitarian lie.
I challenge any of those who made this wholly false attack on UKIP to provide proof of UKIP having done anything 1/10,000th as racist as those parties or the BBC. By definition, any honest media personality who promoted the smear, will wish to prove it, and any who did and don't are totalitarian liars.
Bear in mind that UKIP opposed our illegal wars including the one that led to our police (appointed from the KLA, a NATO organised terrorist group, in turn recruited from gangsters, sex slavers, organleggers and drug lords) dissecting thousands of people, chosen on racial grounds, while still alive, in Kosovo. This was done with the support of out main parties, though UKIP opposed it, and with the censorship, racial smearing and spinning of the BBC.
If not they owe an apology not just to UKIP but to every British citizen for the way something close to a media monopoly has been used to subvert democratic choice. An academic statistical study has shown that the degree of governmental corruption and incompetence is directly proportional to government ownership of broadcasting (direct control of the press is less important) and that it had "no benefits". By their dishonest censorship and smearing (which has been much worse in Scotland than across the UK) the BBC have proven their monopoly power is not compatible with a free society.
Neil Craig
Ref - government ownership of broadcasting report http://a-place-to-stand.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/report-reveals-state-media-ownership.html
70% of Scots support UKIP immigration policy http://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/referendum-news/seven-out-of-ten-scots-back-ukip-policy-on-immigration.24278719
Incidentally, just as I was writing this BBC Radio Scotland have just broadcast (12.40 today) another attack on UKIP as being "racist" - no attempt at facts made by these totalitarian fascist liars.
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